Meet Jake Currie

(Ba. HSc. chiro, M.Clin.Chiro) Chiropractor
Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner andĀ  CreatorĀ ofĀ TheĀ Mind Body Therapy

Heal from theĀ inside out

My passion is helping people with chronic pain heal naturally, and feel empowered knowing their body has the ability to heal, grow and evolve.

I was trained as a chiropractor, but no longer practice. Instead, I focus on using the understanding that German New Medicine provides to help people create awareness around the stressful conflicts in their lives that have may caused their pain or symptoms.

German New Medicine has given me the framework to change my own health from the inside, let go of unconscious patterns holding me back and most importantly, have the ability to do deep inner healing work myself.

This work has given me the framework to help people heal chronic physical injuries when everything else has failed.

From people with 'unexplained symptoms' or problems that simply go away, the body makes no mistakes, only adaptations.

Nothing excites me more than helping people make the connections between their symptoms and the emotional conflicts and stressors which created it.

I want to show you what you are capable of.

The old version of me

I was constantly injured growing up. Playing competitive sport, there was not a season where I didn't have at least a few weeks off because of some 'mystery injury.'

I mean I understood when I got an injury from a big collision in football, but most of my injuries showed up out of the blue for no reason.


For years, I chased physical treatments, and diets to try and alleviate my physical pain. Nothing ever lasted long.

Where it all began


My life changed the day I discovered German New Medicine (GNM), which I think of as the 'roadmap' to mind-body healing.

My GNM story started at a health and wellness expo in Caloundra, Australia. I was there giving a presentation on running technique. During the expo I watched a presentation by a man named Dr. Alvin De Leon, a fellow chiropractor from Canada. He spoke about GNM and the Five Biological Laws.

His presentation resonated with something deep inside of me.

Later after the presentation, I went up and spoke to Dr. Alvin and William Hughes.

It was this conversation with Will that changed my life.

I had a groin strain from CrossFit that was completely debilitating. It was yet another injury that came on seemingly for no reason.

Despite my best rehabilitation efforts I had not been able to train for around 5 months. Nothing I did seemed to help, I did everything right but this injury just wouldn't budge.

- Anti-inflammation diets
- Ice Baths
- Acupuncture
- Adjustments
- Fasting
- Stretching
- Rehabilitation Exercises
- Massage


I asked if stress can cause pain and muscle tears. He responded with a calm but definitive, yes. In the next 5 minutes of conversation Will took my pain from a 7/10 (squeezing my legs together) down to a 1/10, just by asking me some specific questions. Sure enough, I was hanging on to a particular stress in my life. My awareness around this conflict shifted the pain immediately. I left the conversation completely dumbfounded!

How did my body heal just from becoming aware of something I was stressed about?!

That conversation was in May 2014, ever since then I have been studying and learning everything I can about GNM from Will, my mentor, Alvin, Caroline and theĀ Learning GNM resources.

After transitioning away from chiropractic practice in 2018, I am now consulting clients, helping them make the connection between their physical symptoms and stress in their lives.

When you heal the mind the body will follow.

I am here to help you heal the inside, so your physical body starts to heal. A consultation is the best place to start.

If you are ready to look at your symptoms from a new perspective the best place to start is to book a consultation with me below.


"Iā€™ve had back pain for a very very long time and to the extent that they actually wanted to operate on me 5 years ago. I donā€™t have back pain today. Iā€™m serious! I just donā€™t have it! - Andi M